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A logistics center is a consolidation of two or more different types of logistics centers into a single logistics facility with integrated functions and high efficiency. From the different literature we can find integrated logistics centers that bring together railway freight stations and road transport freight stations, which are simpler, more practical and more widespread. In addition, there are integrated logistics centers that bring together railway freight stations, road freight stations and port terminals, and integrated logistics centers that bring together railway freight stations, road freight stations and air freight stations. Of course, in theory, there could also be integrated logistics centers that bring together railway terminals, road terminals, port terminals and air terminals. However, due to the differences in the transportation objects, freight affordability and logistics speed of the two modes of transportation, water transportation and air transportation, it may not be realistic to connect these two logistics modes through an integrated logistics center, so the possibility of such an integrated logistics center existing in practice is extremely small.

Keywords:Special cabinet, bulk ship, heavy cargo, EPC engineering logistics, steel shipping